• Hi!

    I have a problem with widgets look. Please try to help me. I spend hours and hours on web trying to solve my problem, but I found nothing about that.

    When you make a blog or web site template you set rows. I made one with two sidebars. One left and one right. Then you also specify the look of your widgets (blocks). I deside to have them in blue, with border, padding 5px…
    Now I have problem, because I do like to have one of them with different specifications. Like no border, padding 0px… Is that possible? I wanna to use it for image widget, but I do not wanna for picture to have any borders and color in background. Is there any simple way to do this? Is there any plugin for my problem? If not I can do this in PHP or CSS, but I do not know how. In sidebar.php there is just default code for (search, category…). Where can I change settings for just one widget?

    Thanks for any information!

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  • Add the widget, check the page source on the public site, make a note of the classes for that widget and then use CSS to style it using those classes.

    Thread Starter mojkartak


    Thanks for respond and for hint. Can you please help me with that. I know. I should know that by my self, but I am not I programer and I am new in that. I check the classes and it is:

    <div id=”random_image-3″ class=”widget widget_many”><div class=”art-Block”>

    Can you give me example of CSS code for widget. I do not wanna anything else than margins and padding should be 0, without any border, background or else. Only image inserted in widget should be visible.

    Thank you!

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