• Dear All,

    just wondering…when viewing my page on my mobile. The mobile view is fine. But! The color of the footer is different. I mean it is not a very critical problem. But I do not understand why and I would like to change it back to the original color.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    BR and greetings from Vienna,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Kavya Gokul


    Hey @@hellblauervogel ! The color seems to be the same on a few mobile browsers that I have tested. Can you share more information about what you’re seeing, like which mobile device/browser have you tested on, as well as your browser information for desktop. If you can share screenshots, that would be helpful as well.

    Thread Starter hellblauervogel


    Dear Kavya,

    thank you very much for your reply. I have a Samsung Galaxy and I use firefox. I cleared the browser data a before. Still I do not see the correct color. Please see screenshot attached:


    Thank you in advance and BR


    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @hellblauervogel – I’ve also been taking a look at this and when I check in multiple mobile browsers – I see the background the same as in your screenshot.

    Could you tell me a little more about how you expect it to look?

    Thread Starter hellblauervogel


    Dear Jordesign,

    I would expect this grey, like I entered it into WordPress. And I also see it like this on my desktop computer. https://ibb.co/k3HFtxz

    Wondering what I did wrongly…

    Please let me know.

    BR Angelika

    Moderator jordesign


    Hi @hellblauervogel Are you able to show a screenshot of the editor where you have that footer color set for the templates?

    Thread Starter hellblauervogel


    Dear Jordesign,

    here is the screenshot! Here you see where the background color comes from. Is there any other information that you still need?


    Thank you in advance and BR


    Moderator jordesign


    I’m so sorry @hellblauervogel – I may be misunderstanding but when I view the screenshot of the footer in the editor, the screenshot of the footer on the front-end, and the footer itself when I view the site – I always see the same background color – this one:

    Are you able to clarify, and maybe annotate, where the colors are different?

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