• Resolved trektor



    I received this woocommerce related issue:

    Deprecated: The woocommerce_stock_html filter funkció használata nem ajánlott verziótól kezdődően. woocommerce_get_stock_html használata javasolt helyette. in /xxx/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6031

    When I change the line number 545 (file plugins/advanced-woo-labels/includes/class-awl-integrations.php)

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_stock_html', 'AWL_Integrations_Callbacks::return_empty_string', 999 );


    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_stock_html', 'AWL_Integrations_Callbacks::return_empty_string', 999 );

    the error message disappears.

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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Thanks for letting me know about this problem. I will fix this in the next plugin release.


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