• Resolved myungho64


    After upgrading to PHP 8.3 I see more than 35 Deprecated Errors for PDF Poster with the messages such as:

    Creation of dynamic property PDFPro\Rest\GetMeta::$route is deprecated
    Creation of dynamic property CSF_Metabox::$post_formats is deprecated
    Creation of dynamic property CSF_Metabox::$page_templates is deprecated

    is it possible to look into this issue?

    Thank you very much for your great work.

    • This topic was modified 7 months, 1 week ago by myungho64.
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  • Plugin Author shehabulislam



    We have resolved the issue and launched a new version. Kindly upgrade to the most recent version.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter myungho64


    Thank you very much.

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