• Resolved ToniMa


    Hi martynasma,

    i want to use your charts to display the weather data in a nice and awesom fancy way. i was able to fiddle together to retrieve the data in json and store in script tags to be passed to the chart, what i created with the help of your plugin before. and now it is shown from my own shortcut. so, works perfectly.

    BUT i really would like to deliver the chart data (Resources, JS and HTML) with my plugin, so the user must not create it manually to get it to work.
    it must not appear at all in the admin section of amCharts, would be nice but not necessarily.

    do you have any ideas to solve this problem? i would be really thankful!

    best regards,


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  • Plugin Author martynasma


    Do I understand it correctly that you don’t need any chart/map editing capabilities, just include one chart into some other plugin?

    If that is correct, than I suppose you could just copy the code generated by our plugin (js includes, HTML and JavaScript code) and insert into your own plugin.

    Or if you would be willing to leave amCharts plugin there, just disable editing for regular users? Now that I think of it, it would make sense being able to set up which user roles can edit charts/maps.

    Do you think a setting like that would solve your immediate needs?

    Thread Starter ToniMa



    thx for the fast reply!

    the 1st option is the one i am aiming at. And indeed, it is that easy that i couldnt imagine yesterday it seems. i dont know why, but i always thought i MUST install the plugin to display the chart, but in fact the WP Plugin is “only” (dont misunderstand, its a good plugin) for the setup and display on a post or page.

    so for me it is resolved.

    many thx for the fast support & all the best

    Plugin Author martynasma


    Absolutely. It is a wrapper that allows conveniently adding HTML/JavaScript code to your posts/pages. It is amCharts-oriented, but can be used to add any HTML/JS code.

    Glad this worked out for you.

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