• Leprechaun999


    This is not a What? This is a Who?

    Roughly 18 years ago I created my website as a non tech person. I had a struggle trying to get an Editor. This was just before this Gothenberg nonsense which went all ‘political’ and of no interest. So I settled on Tiny; it was handy and I could select extra ‘buttons’ for the Editor from a range of font/sizes etc, adding the odd ‘button’ as desired to suit my task which where it stayed. Latterly it seemed wise not to update anything until about a week ago when I reviewed the small number of Plugins [20]which I had set to no update and stupidly switched the CE to auto update.

    Couple of days later my old customised CE disappeared. In its place was a single line bare bones replacement which is useless for my work. I could not find how or where to rebuild it and I appealed for assistance to WordPress Org…

    “For about 18+ years I have used a classic editor based on Tiny MCA; I picked the features I needed most for my work and by and large it has done the job.Recently due to old age/ stupidity I inadvertently allowed an automatic update and lost my customised Editor. What a disaster….I cannot find the tools I used to create the original Editor; to rebuild it as it was! I have no idea where to begin again… I have no longer got the Font[Helvetica nor the point size or alternatives]; I do not have the text background colour I use, etc. Now for some reason when I make a link it appears with a ‘strike through’ which I cannot get rid of but even in this awful misleading state ir works…what a mess!I have precious work at stake here!! for 11,000 disabled Firefighters….what a mess?

    This was the WordPress.Org response…”Hi! Some plugins have automatically updated to their latest versions on your site at. No further action is needed on your part. Signed off as “The WordPress Team”

    Delivery failure to my response…

    Next unsolicited I get this…”Reporting yourself to the moderators who enforce forum rules across all of WordPress.org doesn’t get you any faster help, instead it attracts the type of attention you probably didn’t want.”.

    The WordPress.org Team”….

    Regarding this as intimidation I responded … IF I needed your advice I would have asked for it…

    There are clearly some Gothenberg worms in the woodwork. These clowns fail to understand I was a Firefighter in Belfast during the ‘Troubles’ and come from the Falls Road!

    Help still needed please….Paul Burns…yes the name is real

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Support Moderator


    stupidly switched the CE to auto update

    That, and only that, is the reason why your custom Classic Editor plugin was replaced. It sounds like when you customized the plugin, you failed to give it its own Plugin Name and Text Domain. When you enabled auto-updates on the Classic Editor plugin, WordPress found a newer version of the plugin than the one you had installed, and updated it.

    This was the WordPress.Org response…”Hi! Some plugins have automatically updated to their latest versions on your site at. No further action is needed on your part. Signed off as “The WordPress Team”

    That’s the same type of automated email that every WordPress user gets when they have auto-updates enabled, it wasn’t sent (nor was the update done by) a person.

    Next unsolicited I get this…”Reporting yourself to the moderators who enforce forum rules across all of WordPress.org doesn’t get you any faster help, instead it attracts the type of attention you probably didn’t want.”.

    That was not unsolicited. You reported your own support thread to the moderators, your message was “Serious assistance needed,” and you got a response from a moderator.

    These clowns fail to understand I was a Firefighter in Belfast during the ‘Troubles’ and come from the Falls Road!

    That kind of behavior will not be tollerated here a second time. If it continues, your account will be banned.

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