• I installed WP Recipe Maker on a test site and am now trying to delete ALL the files that are installed by the plugin. The shortcode still outputs a fallback recipe, so there’s obviously something still installed from the plugin?

    How can I delete all of the plugin files, scripts, tables, etc.?

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  • Plugin Author Brecht


    When you deactivate the plugin none of our code is running anymore. The fallback recipe is exactly that: a feature to show a recipe even when WP Recipe Maker is not running anymore.

    If you edit the post you’ll see that there’s no shortcode but rather a text version of the recipe. So if you don’t want to display the recipe anymore you just remove it from the post content.

    Thread Starter 63N


    Ok, thanks.

    But what about deleting the plugin? I see there’s still a ‘wprm_ratings’ entry in the database after deleting the plugin? Is there anything else to delete via FTP or phpMyAdmin?

    Plugin Author Brecht


    Oh right. We only recently added this custom table and right now don’t have an option to delete it. Will add that to our todo list!

    If you delete the wprm_ratings table via phpMyAdmin and use a plugin like https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-cleanup/ to remove the recipes then everything is gone.

    Thread Starter 63N


    I used the plugin you suggested to delete the post type and still found wprm entries in the database; under _commentmeta, _options, _postmeta, _term_taxonomy, etc.

    I deleted these all via phpMyAdmin along with the ratings.

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