• Resolved dwarf42


    I have inadvertently created two galleries with the same name. While the plugin creates different folder names as gallery subfolders, the names presented in the “choose a gallery” lists are identical. Every time I search on this question I get millions of answers to the question “How do I delete images from a gallery”. I need to know how to either remove a gallery that is empty or at least rename it for use as another gallery, but I can find no way, in the interface, to do this.
    I even went as far as deleting the folder of the empty gallery in the wp-content gallery folder, but it still show up in the interface. I’m sure if I try to load images the directory will be recreated.

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  • Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @dwarf42,

    You can remove any gallery from “NextGen Gallery -> Manage Galleries” by checking the gallery’s checkbox then select “Delete” from the “Bulk Actions” and press “Apply”

    Thread Starter dwarf42


    Even now that I know they are there I can hardly see the check boxes. I had gone farther, selecting the duplicate gallery I dived deeper, expecting to find delete at that level, with, of course, no luck.
    Weirdly enough, my web search for “How do you delete a Gallery” only gave me the answer to “How do you delete an image from a gallery”, leaving me no where to go but here.
    Thanks for having the answer (and such an easy one at that 😉
    Maybe now this will come up in a search.
    Thanks again for the help,

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