• Resolved Okoth1



    Is there a way keep keep the entries on the Reports page, but delete the ones in the Report ->Activity Info?

    I’d like to keep the stats on the Reports page but the wp_ig_sending_queue table is getting a bit too large.

    Same for the wp_ig_actions table. Already more than 25Mb.

    Thank you

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  • Plugin Contributor Shubhanshu Kandani


    Hi @okoth1,

    Thanks for reaching out to us! We’re happy to support you.

    According to the inquiry, the queued emails data is stored in the wp_ig_sending_queue table. It is therefore safe to delete the emails after they have been successfully sent.

    Clearing wp_ig_actions table won’t be possible as it is used to prepare email stats. Stats data cannot be displayed without it.

    Let me know if you have any other questions or doubts.

    Thank you!
    Have a great day ahead!

    Thread Starter Okoth1


    Okay, I understand.

    Maybe I’ll export and merge the data into a local database to analyse the emails and delete them from time-to-time on the site.

    Thank you for your reply.

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