• Hello,

    I am new with wordpress. I understand now a bit the use of css to change the look of the homepage. But still not working for me.
    Around all my widgets are a border and I can no delete it. The theme I usen is Classic Bakery from classictemplate. Also the prices of my shop are in light Green and really small. I can not found how to put a costumer css using woocommerce.

    Thanks a lot on advance!

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  • Hi @dcrc,

    Thanks for reaching us,

    From your query, it seems that you are using the Classic Bakery Theme however this is not the support forum of the Classic Bakery Theme. This is the support forum for the Zakra theme. So kindly contact the respective theme support forum and drop your query there.

    Also, if you have the site designed with the Zakra theme and have any issues, let us know here and we will back.


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