• Resolved bkwineper


    Have just installed the plugin since it was recommended as a way to implement “defer parsing of JS files”, for example in the WPEngine post: https://wpengine.com/resources/defer-parsing-javascript-wordpress/ GTmetrix suggests that’s an action I should take.

    However, there is no such option. If I go to Speed Booster > Advanced > Javascript Optimization there is only the option “move scripts to footer”. The option “Defer Parsing…” is no where to be found.

    Have you removed it? Or is something else wrong?

    Our site is on WPEngine and running Elementor. I do have a number of other plugins but even if I deactivate all plugins except Speed Booster there’s still no “defer parsing” option in Speed Booster.

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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution



    Have you removed it? Or is something else wrong?

    This option was removed in version 3.8.5 as you can see below.

    Removed: JavaSript deferring feature has been removed – coming back in a future release!

    However this will come back in the future, much better and more stable.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter bkwineper


    OK. Many thanks for your very quick reply! Looking forward to the future release then!

    Plugin Author Optimocha


    We’re working on an infinitely better version of the deferrer @bkwineper, don’t tell anyone yet 😛 it will take a month but it’ll be worth the wait!

    Optimocha.com (@optimocha)
    2 months, 1 week ago
    We’re working on an infinitely better version of the deferrer @bkwineper, don’t tell anyone yet 😛 it will take a month but it’ll be worth the wait!

    I just installed the plugin 2 months, 1 week later and the Defer Parsing of Javascript option is still not there. Please help us.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by vigwe.
    Plugin Author Optimocha


    Hi @vigwe,

    If you’d be so kind, we’d love it if you downloaded the BETA version below which has a JS deferrer, as well as a settings migrator:


    After deactivating (but not deleting) the current version and installing the BETA version, I’d like to know if the settings from the current version are migrated correctly.

    Also, don’t forget to employ exclude rules with enabling JS deferrer because it’s a dangerous feature that might break your scripts if necessary scripts aren’t excluded.

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