• Resolved planetebleu



    When elements are placed in a Group, their Default Value preset is not retained. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support mgordonStylemixThemes



    The total calculates properly in your provided URL link,

    If it is not working as you wish, please provide what exact goal you would like to achieve? I will try to provide an example for you with sample form

    Best regards

    Thread Starter planetebleu



    The issue is not the calculation. The issue is that when elements are in a group their default value is not loaded.

    In the link provided, the slider element is set to have a default value of “2” but it is at “0.”

    Also, the radio element is set to have “Option 1” as default, but neither “Option 1” or “Option 2” is selected as default.

    This problem happens only when elements are in a group. When elements are not in a group, default value works.



    Thread Starter planetebleu


    To speak in terms of calculation. When the checkbox labeled ‘When checked, shows “Group 1″‘ is checked, the total should be $4.00 not $1.00.

    Thread Starter planetebleu


    In Conditions, I changed “is selected (label(s))” to “is selected (value)” and it worked as expected.

    Then I changed back from value to labels and it still works as expected.

    It looks like it’s solved.

    Plugin Support mgordonStylemixThemes


    I am glad that you already resolved the case on your own

    Please do not hesitate to reach us out in case if you will have questions according to the plugin default settings and options

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