• Resolved CreaZo


    Hello to all the team,
    I’m a big fan of your plugin, clear and efficient, I’m really starting to appreciate all these features.
    Looking at the side of the shortcodes (shortcode-download_data), I find that something essential is missing, it’s the modification date of the download.
    I tried file_date and post_date but it returns the same date and is when the upload was created not when it was modified. Am I mistaken or is this a possible development?
    Thanks again for your valuable work.

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  • Plugin Author Razvan Aldea


    Hello @creazo ,

    It should show the date when you registered a new version, so the date of the latest version of the Download. Modifying the file using FTP or cPanel for example won’t change the date.

    Could you describe your usage scenario, how and what you are modifying so we can better understand?


    Thread Starter CreaZo


    Thank you for your reply.
    I make booklets for my students that I modify as they progress. When I update a download, I will directly delete the PDF to replace it with the correct pdf (the one that is corrected and/or modified).
    From my point of view I therefore need to retrieve the last modification date of the upload (modification date of wp-admin/post.php?post=14178& for example) so that my students can see when the document has been modified to upload it again.
    I hope I was clear in my writing.


    Plugin Author Razvan Aldea


    Hello @creazo ,

    That seems to be the whole point of the version, to give the final users ( the students in your case ) a new version of the file. I’m curios why you are not using the Versions functionality, adding a new one and uploading the PDF in the new Version? On the front it will display the latest Version creation/update ( which you want ) and the students will download the greatest and latest file.


    Thread Starter CreaZo



    I took a few days to think about our exchange and indeed the shortcode [download_data id=”10″ data=”file_date “] meets my need to return the last date the file was added (here my second version).
    By habit, I deleted the old file and I added a new one in version 1, which does not answer the logic of the extension when one wants to modify the file.
    My need was more on the date of modification of the post (example: [download_data id=”10” data=”modified_date_post “]) than on the date of the last version of the file. But our exchange makes me change my practice to meet my need, thank you very much.
    I remain at your disposal if necessary.

    Plugin Author Razvan Aldea


    Glad it’s all OK in the end 😀

    Have a wonderful day!

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