• Bonjour,

    since last plugin update, an error is popin in my installation.

    WordPress database error Table 'db_name.wp_posts' doesn't exist for query select DISTINCT wp_posts.ID,wp_posts.post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE wp_posts.post_type='post' and wp_posts.post_status='publish' and NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM wp_postmeta where wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id and wp_postmeta.meta_key = '_stc_notifier_status'); made by do_action_ref_array('stc_schedule_email'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, STC_Subscribe->stc_send_email

    In fact, the wp_posts doesn’t exist because I set a different prefix to the wp tables.

    Could you please update plugin with a variable db prefix? You can get it with


    Merci pour votre aide !

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