• Resolved antoinek95


    Hi, I recently inherited the admin of a website running on wordpress 6.1.6 and cleanTalk anti-spam 6.32. As you will see on the image some tables have quite a substantial amount of rows

    This is a blocker for me as it prevents me from doing migration, duplication of website and simply move forward with creating a local copy or a staging version of the wbesite or even upgrade wordpress.

    I would like to know which table can be emptied if any, how otherwise the content can be archived or trimmed down.

    Thanks for the help

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  • Plugin Support katereji



    Unfortunately, I do not see your image. So I can only suggest to re-install the plugin with the Complete deactivation option which will clear all old tables and create new ones. You can find this option at the end of the Anti-Spam plugin Advanced settings list.

    If you still need further assistance please create a ticket in our private ticket system: https://cleantalk.org/my/support/open.

    Thread Starter antoinek95


    OK I will try that and come back if it is anything else

    Thread Starter antoinek95


    Here are the name of the tables by the way :

    • ap_cleantalk_ac_log
    • ap_cleantalk_connection_reports
    • ap_cleantalk_no_cookie_data
    • ap_cleantalk_sessions
    • ap_cleantalk_sfw
    • ap_cleantalk_sfw_logs
    • ap_cleantalk_sfw_personal
    • ap_cleantalk_spamscan_logs
    • ap_cleantalk_ua_ bl
    • ap_cleantalk_wc_spam_orders

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by antoinek95.
    Plugin Support amagsumov


    Hello @antoinek95,

    Did you try to reinstall the plugin as @katereji suggested? Did it help?

    Thank you.

    Plugin Support sergecleantalk


    We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so I’m going to mark this topic as “resolved”.
    If you have any further questions, you can start a new topic or contact us via our private Ticket System: https://cleantalk.org/my/support/open.

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