• Resolved xyz942



    Congratulation! you have done a awesome job on HD Quiz.

    My question is about database. If anyone use any quiz, is it store the answer or any data in database? if so, database will get huge rows and might be server get done?

    Would you please explain how that works or is there any solution for it?

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  • Plugin Author Harmonic Design


    Hi xyz942,
    thank you and great question!

    HD Quiz does not store or save any quiz results on its own, however, you can install the free HD Quiz Save Results Light addon plugin (found on the HD Quiz addons page) if you want to store the scores.

    The addon plugin will save the results to the database, but as an encoded JSON string. This means that, yes, the database size will grow, but it will not increase the total amount of row – keeping everything fast. The “size” of a database doesn’t really matter – what matters is the total amount of “rows” and the addon plugin only uses a single row to store results 🙂

    Thread Starter xyz942



    Thank you for your quick answer.

    I will install your plugin and if i found anything that goes wrong i will reported to you to solve and fix it.

    p.s. can i give you a suggestion (if any) to improve your plugin, of course if it is possible.

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