• wp_users: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_users’ doesn’t exist
    wp_usermeta: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_usermeta’ doesn’t exist
    wp_posts: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_posts’ doesn’t exist
    wp_links: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_links’ doesn’t exist
    wp_options: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_options’ doesn’t exist
    wp_postmeta: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_postmeta’ doesn’t exist
    wp_terms: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_terms’ doesn’t exist
    wp_term_taxonomy: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_term_taxonomy’ doesn’t exist
    wp_term_relationships: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_term_relationships’ doesn’t exist
    wp_termmeta: Table ‘u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_termmeta’ doesn’t exist

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter movieslists00


    The wp_users table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_users' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_users table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_users' doesn't exist

    The wp_usermeta table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_usermeta' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_usermeta table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_usermeta' doesn't exist

    The wp_posts table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_posts' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_posts table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_posts' doesn't exist

    The wp_comments table is okay.

    The wp_links table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_links' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_links table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_links' doesn't exist

    The wp_options table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_options' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_options table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_options' doesn't exist

    The wp_postmeta table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_postmeta' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_postmeta table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_postmeta' doesn't exist

    The wp_terms table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_terms' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_terms table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_terms' doesn't exist

    The wp_term_taxonomy table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_term_taxonomy' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_term_taxonomy table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_term_taxonomy' doesn't exist

    The wp_term_relationships table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_term_relationships' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_term_relationships table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_term_relationships' doesn't exist

    The wp_termmeta table is not okay. It is reporting the following error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_termmeta' doesn't exist. WordPress will attempt to repair this table…
        Failed to repair the wp_termmeta table. Error: Table 'u743967922_tUgtm-353036315708.wp_termmeta' doesn't exist

    The wp_commentmeta table is okay.

    Some database problems could not be repaired. Please copy-and-paste the following list of errors to the WordPress support forums to get additional assistance.

    The errors that you’re seeing are because something bad has happened to your database tables, and they’re gone. The error for all of them says “Table **** doesn’t exist”.

    There’s no way to fix that database now.

    The only thing that you can do is to revert to a backup of the database. If you’ve got those stored somewhere you’ll need to do that. If not, you’ll need to talk to your hosting company and hope that they have backups that can be loaded. If they don’t… you are out of luck.

    Whatever the outcome, please remember that backups save you in situations like these, so you really need to make sure that you have them, and now how to use them.

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