• Resolved dfreemanujm


    We installed your plugin about 8 months ago. Starting this past February we noticed a HUGE amount of bloat in our database table wp_options. The table was growing by about 20k rows a day. Our developer says it is VERY unusual and shouldn’t be writing to wp_options. What can we do to fix this and remove all the rows?

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  • Thread Starter dfreemanujm


    This is just a small sample:

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    I have checked the plugin script files carefully and I am confirming about these database entries, these are not related to my plugin. The reason is, my plugin is just functioning as a widget, means, it reads the feeds, it doesn’t pull/fetch feeds and save into the database. It simply reads and display. Your developer should not decide quickly just because of the plugin name says “RSS” in it, take more time to find the root cause.

    Thread Starter dfreemanujm


    I’m very confused. We didn’t meant to insinuate we were SURE it was related. We’re looking for your input. Now, what I can tell you is, we turned off your plugin and the database stopped growing and there are no more of those transients being added to the database. I’m not sure how your plugin is unrelated (this may be due to my ignorance) but doesn’t pull in the feeds. I thought that was the whole purpose. It’s not named “rss feed widget”. Are you saying it just connects a widget to an rss feed?

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    I am sure, you are reporting some other plugin functionality.

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