• The dashicons are not loaded for non-loggedin users. You are using an arrow-up icon from the dashicons, on the right-side of the website. So people can click that icon to go to the top of the page.

    I now manually need to add the following to the functions.php file:

     * Load dashicons for non-loggedin users
    function ww_load_dashicons(){
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ww_load_dashicons');

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @danger89 ,

    It seems like dash icons may be loaded from another plugin.

    Best Regards!

    Thread Starter Melroy


    No no. Dashicons are normally not automatically loaded for end-users, only for admins.

    And your WordPress theme is using dashicons. Therefor it requires the loading of dashicons in your theme.

    Please fix this issue.

    @danger89 , can you please send a screenshot where you find the Dashicons on the frontend.

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