• Resolved Tom Finley


    The Daily Specials plugin isn’t seeing ACF like it used to, and consequently is kicking out a console error that there are no slides to cycle.


    Here’s the console error:

    [cycle] terminating; zero elements found by selector jquery.cycle.all.min.js?ver=3.7.1:1
    [cycle] terminating; too few slides: 0 jquery.cycle.all.min.js?ver=3.7.1:1

    This really needs a hotfix!

    Edit 2: Temporary hotfix is to revert to a version of ACF prior to the 4.3.0 update.


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  • Plugin Author Jon Wadsworth


    I released an update. Follow the instructions in the readme.txt and you should be up and running again. Thanks for the heads up.

    Still broken on my (test) install. None of the ACF fields get populated when I had ACF 4.3 + WP 3.7.1 installed. After downgrading to ACF 4.2.2 it works again (but am still getting a warning in the Settings page:

    Warning: sort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/eighty20/sites/customers/g-i/hotspotcafenh/wp-content/plugins/jrwdev-daily-specials/includes/options.php on line 218

    PS: Was a clean install.

    Additionally, I’ve had to work around an issue where the widget refused to show the first Specials Category I created.

    Plugin Author Jon Wadsworth


    This should be fixed now. It looks like it was a dependency error on the part of the plugin. It needed to load ACF first, and for whatever reason, it wasn’t. Now it is. Let me know if 1.5.2 fixes the issue.

    Plugin Author Jon Wadsworth


    Also, I missed the sort() warning. I’ll make that fix in the next update.

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