• I’m hesitant to ask because it seems like this plugin is abandoned, but I’m hoping you could add text fields in the slide editor so that I could specify custom id and class attributes on the individual slides.

    It seems that the id attribute takes on the prefix of the slider’s id and the suffix is always slide##. I’d like to customize it since I’d like to apply custom CSS to a specific slide regardless of its position, as it might get moved around.

    As for the class attribute, I’d like to be able to add my own custom classes to the div element with owl-item class. While I can create div elements inside, if they are vertically aligned, the sa_vert_center object prevents me from being able to relative/absolute position anything to the stage size for the individual slide.

    Really, what I want is to be able to add color/gradient CSS overlays on my background images, but I’ll settle for the ability to add custom ids and classes. Thanks!

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