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  • In WooCommerce > settings > emails, do you have a checkmark at the New customer account created email?

    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi @prwordpressorg !

    Yes, I have the email enabled. The template is also set.

    Kind regards

    In that case install something like FluentSMTP (there are others too) and turn on logging of emails. That way you will see what emails are actually sent out of your site and if the email you are after is actually sent at all.

    Thread Starter jazzu



    I downloaded the plugin. Here you can see that the “New Account” email is enabled.

    Here however, you can see that the new account email is not being sent at all! Not even a failed attempt, it’s just nowhere to be found..

    If I go to email customizer though and send a test new account email, it does send it normally.

    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by jazzu.

    Great to see that the SMTP plugin has helped to identify that emails are being sent out and the problem is only with the Customer new account email… but the bad news is that that is all I can help you with (as just another user) 🙁 For further identification of the problem however, have a look if the same (fail) happens when you send out all/any of the other WooCommerce emails. If all fail, then that would give another hint at what the problem could be…

    Thread Starter jazzu


    Hi @prwordpressorg !

    I made a separate thread on WooCommerce’s support. I found out that the New Account email is not even being generated. Disabled every plugin I had except WooCommerce and the same problem is still occurring.

    Hope I get this sorted out soon!

    Thank you for all your help! 😀

    Have a nice day

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