• infobeckettgraphics



    So, recently I updated one of my plugins that utilizes custom post types. The problem is, the posts will not display using the most updated Customizer theme. All other themes will display the CPTs, but not Customizer. How do I get custom post types to display on this theme? I did reach out to the plugin company and they told me that the current Customizr theme is having a problem displaying CPTs. Please help.

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  • Theme Author presscustomizr


    Custom Post Types is not a feature that is included with Customizr, but plenty of users have used plugins or CSS to create their own.
    Without more information, it’s hard to really know where to start with a solution. We have not had a recent update with Customizr, though, and you noticed the problem after the plugin update, so I wonder if it would work if you used an earlier version of their product.

    If you want to try an earlier version of Customizr, you’re welcome to download any of the previous releases of Customizr and let me know what happens with the error.

    If we can pinpoint what update with the plugin or what update with the theme triggered the issue, I can dive into any changes that were made to see what could be going on, but right now we’d be shooting in the dark.

    Thread Starter infobeckettgraphics


    Hi Nikeo,

    I appreciate the quick reply. I am going to run this by the plugin developer and get their take again. I have been in constant communication with them. Their recent plugin update (the one where the problem started) had these changes:


    New: Switched to using the H1s from the WordPress theme instead of hiding it and including it in the listing content. This resolves SEO conflicts, more closely matches your theme, and prevents future conflicts with new themes.
    New: Use the block editor in the back-end for listings.
    Replace count_users with get_user_count for better performance when eidting a listing on the back-end.
    Fix: An error appeared when some widgets were used in non-listing pages.

    Not sure if this helps shed any light on the matter, but I thought I would share.

    Thread Starter infobeckettgraphics



    The plugin developer just got back us about what their change is that is conflicting with the Customizr theme. This is what they sent me:


    So our recent changes can be found on our GitHub which should be helpful for your theme developer. This change here is the change that is causing issues with the theme. https://github.com/Strategy11/business-directory-plugin/commit/c555c2b81add0568d0542adc03a7cb4114d2c6b7


    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Thank you. I’ll go through it this weekend. I’m pushing a Nimble Builder update Friday and then I’ll dig into this and try to get a solution.

    Thread Starter infobeckettgraphics



    Thank you.

    Thread Starter infobeckettgraphics


    Greetings, were you able to find any solutions to the issue?




    Use the latest software versions : make sure WordPress, your theme and plugins are all updated to their latest versions.
    Cache plugin : if you use a server cache or cache plugin, clear it’s cache content and disable caching via it’s settings.
    You are using “Business Directory Plugin – Easy Listing Directories for WordPress”.Please tell me which CPTs you developed using this plugin?

    Best wishes

    Thread Starter infobeckettgraphics



    I have updated all my themes and plugins except for the “Business Directory Plugin”. If I update that one it causes all my posts/listings to not display on the front end. I have also tried disabling my caching plugin and then updating the “Business Directory Plugin”, but that has no effect on the posts/listings… they still will not display. Here is a post/listing that is unable to display when the “Business Directory Plugin” is updated:




    The issue is with Business Directory Plugin. Check the PHP version and check the link below

    I hope the above link will be useful for you.

    Best Wishes.

    Thread Starter infobeckettgraphics


    Hi Amirzia,

    The plugin support just got back to me after I provided them with your comment above.

    Here is the comment from Business Directory support:

    Garret replied Jun 27, 8:41am
    Hi Jerry,

    Thank you for reaching back out regarding this issue.

    The support ticket mentioned in the reply was a bug relating to our french translation files. This was fixed in a later update so this likely isn’t related to your issue.

    Can you confirm you are using our latest version? Also, which PHP version are you using?

    Please let me know!


    – Garret
    Business Directory Technical Support`

    Of course I am using PHP 8.1 and I cannot use the latest version of the Business Directory plugin because if I do, all my BD listings appear blank on the front end.

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