• Resolved ArtGoddess


    Hello, I would like to create a template for a Custom Post Type, with the theme “Twenty Twenty-One”.

    I want to show in the CPT single page, in frontend:

    • the featured image,
    • the main content with a description, and
    • the year.

    And then,

    • Custom Post Types fields, and
    • Custom taxonomies, both values and with links.

    I kindly ask which is the best way to approach this. Do I create…

    • single-my-cpt.php …or…
    • template-parts/content/content-single-my-cpt.php ?

    Many thanks!

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  • Kavya Gokul


    Hey @artgoddess ! IMO the best option would be to make single-my-cpt.php, since you want it to be quite different from the default single.php.

    Just to add here, you’d want to make any such changes in a child theme, so that your changes don’t get removed upon updating the theme. A plugin like this can help a lot in creating your child theme.

    Thread Starter ArtGoddess


    Thank you very much for your answer. It helps! 🙂

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