• Resolved Dazzathedrummer



    I’ve written a basic plugin that queries the WP database to look for gig dates and displys them in a list with a date graphic that gets selected on the fly.

    Its a simple query that I use on other websites, this is my first go at incorporating it into a WP plugin, the query seems to work fine – i’ve created a shortcode so that I can show the results in a widget box – but when I do this, the result is displayed above the widget area div instead of inside it.
    I’ve been messing around with formatting for a while and I cant figure out why this might be happening. I’d be very grateful if anyone has any ideas.

    The plugin..

    Plugin Name: Dazza's Gig Bible
    Plugin URI: ..........etc, etc
    add_shortcode("gig_bible", "gig_bible_list");
    function gig_bible_list() {
    include ('giglist.php');

    the query (giglist.php)…

    // Connects to your Database 
    mysql_connect("host", "user", "password") or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_select_db("db") or die(mysql_error());
    $query  = "
    day(show_date) as day,
    (left(LCASE(monthname(show_date)),3))as month,
    FROM wp_gigpress_shows, wp_gigpress_artists, wp_gigpress_venues
    show_venue_id = venue_id
    and show_artist_id = artist_id
    and show_date > curdate()
    order by show_date DESC LIMIT 1,1
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    "<img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"bottom\" alt=\"calendarpic\"  style=\"position:absolute; vertical-align:bottom; z-index:1;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/background.png\" margin=\"0px auto\" vspace=\"6\" align=\"left\"\"/>
    <img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"top\" alt=\"calendarpic1\"  style=\"position:absolute;  z-index:2;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/{$row['day']}.png\" hspace=\"6\" vspace=\"20\" align=\"left\"\"/>
    <img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"top\" alt=\"calendarpic2\"  style=\"position:absolute;  z-index:3;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/{$row['month']}.png\" hspace=\"6\" vspace=\"20\" align=\"left\"\"/>";
    //"<span style=\"padding-left:55px;\">{$row['venue_name']}, {$row['venue_city']}</span>".
    "<p align=\"left\"><span style=\"padding-left:55px;\"></span></p>".
    "<p><br><a onclick=\"href='http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q={$row['venue_postal_code']}'\" target=\"_blank\"><b><u>Click for map</b></u></a></p>";
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  • You have to use ‘return’ with Shortcode, not ‘echo’.

    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    {$my_str = 
    "<img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"bottom\" alt=\"calendarpic\"  style=\"position:absolute; vertical-align:bottom; z-index:1;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/background.png\" margin=\"0px auto\" vspace=\"6\" align=\"left\"\"/>
    <img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"top\" alt=\"calendarpic1\"  style=\"position:absolute;  z-index:2;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/{$row['day']}.png\" hspace=\"6\" vspace=\"20\" align=\"left\"\"/>
    <img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"top\" alt=\"calendarpic2\"  style=\"position:absolute;  z-index:3;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/{$row['month']}.png\" hspace=\"6\" vspace=\"20\" align=\"left\"\"/>";
    //"<span style=\"padding-left:55px;\">{$row['venue_name']}, {$row['venue_city']}</span>".
    "<p align=\"left\"><span style=\"padding-left:55px;\"></span></p>".
    "<p><br><a onclick=\"href='http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q={$row['venue_postal_code']}'\" target=\"_blank\"><b><u>Click for map</b></u></a></p>";
    return $my_str;
    Thread Starter Dazzathedrummer


    …..that makes sense to me, but I’m not getting any output at all with that

    Shortcode is traditonally used only in posts. You can make use of it in your php files, but I believe you need to call it with do_shortcode();

    Here is a link to the codex, whice has some examples – http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/do_shortcode

    Thread Starter Dazzathedrummer


    ok well I got a bit further.

    I got it to work (sort of) by setting the ‘while’ result as a variable and then calling it with ‘return’ after the include in the function like this…..

    function gig_bible_list() {
    include ('giglist.php');
    return $mygigs;

    This puts the results in the correct position in the widget box, but only returns the last record in the array – if I can just get this to output the whole array, this would be perfect.

    Ah, I think I see where you are going wrong…

    An explaination of what is happening –

     * Shortcode is calling the 'gig_bible_list' function,
     * which is correct
    add_shortcode("gig_bible", "gig_bible_list");
    function gig_bible_list(){
         * The file 'giglist.php' is being included right now,
         * at this point. We don't want the output yet though,
         * it needs to be held in a variable and then returned
         * at the end of this function.

    The below should work, because by first including your file, but wrapping the code in the file in a function, the code will not automatically be output. Doing it this way should hopefully get you closer to your goal.

    I’d also suggest having a look at the $wpdb global, as you can run your query through that as opposed to having to define and connect to the db before each query (unless it is a different database to that whihc is used by your website).

    add_shortcode("gig_bible", "gig_bible_list");
    /** Not sure of your exact circumstance, you made need this instead */
    //$shortcode = do_shortcode("gig_bible", "gig_bible_list");
    function gig_bible_list() {
        include ('giglist.php');
        return my_giglist();

    And here is your giglist.php file

    // Connects to your Database 
    function my_giglist(){
        global $wpdb;
        $query = "
            day(show_date) as day,
            (left(LCASE(monthname(show_date)),3))as month,
            FROM wp_gigpress_shows, wp_gigpress_artists, wp_gigpress_venues
            show_venue_id = venue_id
            and show_artist_id = artist_id
            and show_date > curdate()
            order by show_date DESC LIMIT 1,1
        $result = $wpdb->query($query);
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
        $my_string =
            "<img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"bottom\" alt=\"calendarpic\"  style=\"position:absolute; vertical-align:bottom; z-index:1;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/background.png\" margin=\"0px auto\" vspace=\"6\" align=\"left\"\"/>
    <img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"top\" alt=\"calendarpic1\"  style=\"position:absolute;  z-index:2;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/{$row['day']}.png\" hspace=\"6\" vspace=\"20\" align=\"left\"\"/>
    <img height=\"50px\" width=\"50px\" valign=\"top\" alt=\"calendarpic2\"  style=\"position:absolute;  z-index:3;\" src=\"wp-content/plugins/Gig_bible/calpics/{$row['month']}.png\" hspace=\"6\" vspace=\"20\" align=\"left\"\"/>";
    //"<span style=\"padding-left:55px;\">{$row['venue_name']}, {$row['venue_city']}</span>".
    "<p align=\"left\"><span style=\"padding-left:55px;\"></span></p>".
    "<p><br><a onclick=\"href='http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q={$row['venue_postal_code']}'\" target=\"_blank\"><b><u>Click for map</b></u></a></p>";
        return $my_string;
    Thread Starter Dazzathedrummer


    I think I’m getting closer to cracking this….

    Your suggestions make sense to me from the point of view of structuring (given that I don’t know very much about wordpress).

    But, fundamentally, by structuring the while loop like that, I can only get ‘$my_string’ to output the last record in the array.

    I’m testing this by running the giglist.php on its own, if I go back to having ‘echo’ in place of ‘$my_string =’ I get the whole array as output……if I switch to your method above (swapping ‘echo’ for ‘$my_string’ and then calling $my_string after the loop), $my_string only stores the last record.

    So, I guess the problem is getting the variable to store and output the array rather than one record……I think :-S

    PS…I realise that in the query above I have ‘limit 1,1’ in the ‘order by’….obviously, I’ve removed this and can verify that all rows are output when using ‘echo’ as described above.

    Replace $my_string = with $my_string.=. The dot means that the text will be added to the end of the string, and not overwrite it.

    Thread Starter Dazzathedrummer


    That’s it!!!


    Thanks for your help – I’ve just got a few CSS problems to sort out and I should be good!!

    You’re welcome.

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