• Hi,

    I have been experimenting with custom outputs a little and I am really loving the flexibility. However, I am having a few slight issues with outputs and buttons.

    From my understanding, the output menu will allow me to select my custom template, and the buttons menu will allow me to add a premade class, correct? So, adding a custom output of “large-button” and a custom button of “green-button” will create the large-button template and add the green-button class where I use %class%, correct?

    If so, then my issue is that my custom classes are not been fed through into my output. If not, then my issue here is moot and is simply that I will be needing to create a fair few outputs.


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  • Thread Starter Nathan Hawkes


    Ok, just to update, as I think this hasn’t been implemented as I first thought – when I use the default name of button for my output, the button style goes in fine. Is this only for the default outputs?

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