• Resolved Webcrashpilot


    After update to Storefront 2.3.5 my logo is much smaller than before.

    This is because of max-width: 210px.

    Where can I remove max-width?

    Before update, I used this code in customs CSS, now it is not working anymore because of max-width of 210 px:

    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .site-header .custom-logo-link {
    width: 170%;


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  • Thread Starter Webcrashpilot


    I see that in Version 2.35 there was the following fix:

    Fix – Removed CSS rule that was incorrectly changing the width of image logos to 100%.

    What was fixed here? Now I cannot increase the width of the logo anymore. I can make it smaller but not wider than 210px.

    A quick diff on the un-minified (use csstidy) style.css in storefront v2.3.4 and v2.3.5 shows the following was removed in v2.3.5:

    .woocommerce-active .site-header .site-branding img {

    Just add it to your child theme’s style.css to restore the previous behaviour (I haven’t checked for any side effects though).

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by simonmm.
    Thread Starter Webcrashpilot


    Dear Simonmm, thank you very much. That helped me a lot.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Webcrashpilot.

    ahhhh, it didn’t work at to my page.
    but my biggest problem is that the head is not elastic ??? :O
    Tablet or phone just gets cropped.
    Boy, that is so basic 🙁
    and my navigation bar is over my header image, oh boooooy!
    Any support please?


    @simonmm Many many thanks 🙂
    So far it works like a charm. Saved me the hassle of finding my own solution, as I didn’t think about dif’ing the old and the new storefront.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by nopewhy.
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