• Hi,
    I have some problems with OceanWP Custom Style CSS. I have just taken this site from the previous dev.

    If I change something in the Customizer Custom CSS, this change will not appear on the website front end. If I view source, I can see the custom CSS in the code, but the objects are just not adhering to the changes, even if !important is included.

    I have already cleared all cache.

    Anybody some ideas how to handle this issue?

    Thanking You.

    WordPress Environment
    Home URL:https://harriets.co.za/
    Site URL:https://harriets.co.za/
    WP Version:6.5.4
    WP Multisite:No
    Front Page Display:page
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    The Main WP Directory: Writable
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    The uploads Directory: Writable
    The plugins Directory: Writable
    The themes Directory: Writable

    ThemeName:OceanWP Child Theme
    Author URL:https://oceanwp.org/
    Child Theme: Yes
    Parent Theme Name:OceanWP
    Parent Theme Version:3.5.7
    Parent Theme Author URL:https://oceanwp.org/about-oceanwp/

    Server Environment
    Server Info:Apache
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    PHP Version:8.1.29
    PHP Memory Limit:256 MB
    PHP Post Max Size:64 MB
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    PHP Display Errors:Disabled
    MySQL Version:10.5.25
    Max Upload Size:64 MB

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  • Thread Starter SQLGuru


    What I can add is that although the custom CSS is not adhering to my changes, I can confirm that if I try to made the same changes using JS to change the style – this works – but is obviously not ideal.



    Hello @sqlguru,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    If you can see the custom CSS on your website but it doesn’t work, there can be only one reason: A syntax error in the CSS.
    You must check the CSS syntax because a single error can affect other CSS rules. To check the CSS syntax, you can use an online tool: https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator.

    I’ve checked the custom CSS on your website: https://postimg.cc/RqCnP8fh. And saw some errors: https://postimg.cc/JyWsjdM1 – usually related to the curly brace symbol on media queries.

    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter SQLGuru


    Thanks for the feedback, I will investigate further… just still trying to clean out the mess of the previous dev.

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