• Resolved mungbean


    I’d like to set up automated invoicing rules. Specifically, I’d like to charge users based on the number of coupons of a specific category (https://wordpress.org/plugins/affiliate-coupons/), monthly if possible.

    Is this plugin compatible with any invoicing plugins?

    Would it be possible to have Uncanny generate invoices based on these rules automatically, monthly?

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  • Plugin Author Uncanny Owl


    Hi @mungbean,

    It’s an interesting use case but I’m not sure how this might work with Automator in a practical application. Automator definitely couldn’t generate invoices on its own, it also doesn’t integration with the plugin you mentioned. If we did integrate with that plugin then you could have a trigger that fires a webhook (so maybe another invoicing too could then set up invoices based on the data we send), but the timed nature of your request still makes it impossible.

    Automator could work if you just needed to send an invoice ONCE after X coupons were redeemed (if we had that integration), but there’s no way that the usage could be reset every X days or that the webhooks could all be sent to the invoicing system at once.

    I’m afraid Automator wouldn’t be the right fit here.

    Thread Starter mungbean


    Thanks for getting back to me. Are you aware of any other plugins that could help with this type of automated invoicing?

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