• Resolved Andrea De Angelis



    I would like to report an issue with a plugin that displays an events calendar on my website. Specifically, when the current month is empty in terms of events, the plugin doesn’t show the calendar but simply states that there are no events and displays a list of past events. However, if I switch to view another month, even if it’s also empty, the plugin displays the empty calendar (which is what it should do consistently, even for the current month).

    I’ve noticed that other users have reported a similar problem in these two links:

    1. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/show-month-view-even-when-empty/
    2. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/month-view-not-working-5/

    The responses in those threads suggest that this is the intended behavior, but it seems strange to me that the calendar behaves differently depending on whether it’s set to the current month or another month.

    Could you please investigate this issue and consider making the plugin consistently display the empty calendar for all months, regardless of whether it’s the current month or not? This would provide a more consistent user experience and better align with user expectations.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter! 🙂

    Best regards,
    Andrea De Angelis

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  • Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @deangelisandrea

    Thanks for reaching out. Let me help you with this one.

    Could you try installing the latest version of our plugins and see if that helps? I tried installing the latest version of The Events Calendar on a new test site, and it’s showing the calendar view (month view) even if there are no upcoming events.

    See- https://xanthous-xenomorph-gyza8.instawp.xyz/events

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thread Starter Andrea De Angelis


    Hello Darian, thanks for your kind reply.

    The plugin is up to the latest version ( Sadly the problem persists. The calendar is still hidden if the current month has no events, but it’s visible on other months, even if they’re empty too.

    This is the page which I’m referring to: https://www.umbriainmountainbike.it/eventi/

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Thanks again,
    Andrea De Angelis

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @deangelisandrea

    Could you try adding this snippet code and see if that helps?

        function( $show, $view_slug, $view_object ) {
            // We want to disable them all!
            return false;

    If you’re unfamiliar with coding, you can use the Code Snippets plugin, which removes the need to add custom snippets to your theme’s functions.php file.

    I hope that helps, and let me know if you have further concerns.

    Thread Starter Andrea De Angelis


    Hello @d0153,

    I confirm that adding that filter to my theme’s functions.php seems to have resolved the issue! 🙂

    Thank you very much. For future updates, I would like to suggest adding a feature that allows users to choose whether to show or hide the calendar when the month is empty. This would provide even more flexibility for users.

    Thanks again for your availability and kindness.

    Best regards,
    Andrea De Angelis

    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @deangelisandrea

    Thanks for your confirmation and I’m glad that it is now working.

    I’ll be sure to share your feedback with the product team for possible future updates.

    If you have a minute, a great review from you would be amazing!


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