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  • Thread Starter raydelta


    On my test server disconnecting the plugin fixes the warning



    I am seeing the same problem here. Would love a fix, Facebook!

    BTW: is not a valid domain.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Jason.
    Thread Starter raydelta


    Its intermittently showing now. Wasnt showing this morning, now it is again!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by raydelta.


    Hello @raydelta,

    Thank you for reaching out! :‎)

    I didn’t find other reports about this nor can find any issues on my test site.

    Based on, there were some disturbances in Facebook’s API last week, specifically on the 6th and 7th of this month.

    Can you please confirm if you no longer see the error?

    Look forward to hearing back from you.

    I can confirm that the issue is still there.

    The plugin tries to connect to


    Hi @raydelta,

    Please share your site’s system status report and fatal error log.

    1. Fatal error log – Go to WooCommerce > Status > Logs, and check the dropdown for the latest fatal error logs.
    2. Site system status – You can find it in WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Download for support”.

    You can paste/attach both info into and share the link here. (Remember to extend the secret expiry time).

    @galapogos01 per the forum guidelines, please create your own thread and share the above information so we can help further.

    Hi @raydelta and @galapogos01,

    I checked the issue with our developers and they confirmed the domain sometimes doesn’t resolve, this is the cause of the error. Previously, when this happened a fatal error was triggered due to an empty response being returned from Facebook. A fix was released in 3.0.25 to ensure this doesn’t have any impact on the site.

    We’ll take this up with Facebook. In the meantime, we recommend ignoring the error.

    Plugin Support Gabriel – a11n


    I’m marking this as resolved since it’s been awhile since you responded. We’ll be here if/when you need us.

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