• The plugin is really excellent. But I keep getting this error. “An error was caught (Error while calling OpenAI: Error while calling OpenAI: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 120001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received)”.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by koronavirusu.
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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Hi @koronavirusu,

    That is unfortunately not because of the plugin 🙁 When it’s mentioned “Error while calling OpenAI“, it’s because of a temporary issue with OpenAI, so there is nothing I can do about it.

    Are you getting this all the time? Which model?

    Thread Starter koronavirusu


    Ok sorry I’m trying to fix the rating but I can’t. Yes I keep getting this error when using the bulk generate tab. After typing 1-2 topics it gives this error. ChatGPT Turbo model.

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Ok sorry I’m trying to fix the rating but I can’t. 

    You mean you are trying to change the rating from 4 to 5, or something? 🙂 Normally you can simply do it from here and click on the stars.

    Yes I keep getting this error when using the bulk generate tab.

    In your case, the timeout happens after 2 minutes, which is pretty long; seems like you give OpenAI quite an intense job. Don’t hesitate to create a topic here with the same title, and maybe the prompt you are using and what you are asking OpenAI to generate.

    Thread Starter koronavirusu


    Okay, man, I upgraded the rating to 5 points because you’re trying so hard. I also shared the promt on the page you directed me to.

    Thread Starter koronavirusu


    By the way, yes, I have a very comprehensive prompt request. Good guess.

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