• we need to have points calculation so we can add to previous scores of players for ranks. Related to Tennis, Table Tennis, Volleyball etc

    How can this be done?

    Example below for Tennis:

    Match 1
    A vs B
    A 6 5 6 Total points – 20 (20 always for the winner)
    B 4 7 2 Total points – 13

    A vs C
    A 6 5 6 Total points – 20 + 20 (20 from previous match) = 40
    C 4 7 2 Total points – 13

    B vs A
    B 6 5 6 Total points – 13(previously) + 20 = 23
    A 4 7 2 Total points – 40(previously) + 13 = 53

    Also posted this in feature requests.

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  • Plugin Contributor Roch



    Thanks for reaching out!

    This seems to be pretty straightforward.

    You just need to keep in mind that the event scores aren’t related to the competition points.

    So when creating your points formula you just need to add win*20 + loss * 14

    You can check out the entire basic setup here:

    Another idea is simply using the tennis or volley preset and change the points formula under SportsPress > Configure.


    Thread Starter scorpiouno


    win*20 i understand
    where does loss*14 come into the equation.

    i did use the tennis preset already. default setting awards 2 points for wins and 1 point for loss. i removed that and tried my own. since 20 is not there in the values, i did win*2*10. but in case of losses, they need actual points from the match(event) added to their total score.

    Plugin Contributor Roch



    Thanks for your reply.

    Only now I’ve noticed that you are using the sets values as the number of points. Is that correct? For example, if you had a 6 x 3 instead of 6 x 4 then the other player would get less points?

    From your first description I was assuming that wins would always award 20 points and losses would always award 13 points (not 14 as I’ve added in the formula).


    Thread Starter scorpiouno


    I see my description might have confused you.

    20 points always for the winner will be added to what they had previously.

    The one who loses will get points equal to the number of games they won in the sets they played in the match. So it is not a fixed number of points for the one who loses.

    So a person who played 3 matches, won the first, lost the second(for example, may have won 3 games in 1st set, won the 2nd set with 6 games and lost 3rd set with 2 game win) and won the third, will get 20 + (3+6+2) + 20

    After his second match he would need to have 20 + 11.
    After his third match he would need to have 31 + 20 calculated.

    Plugin Contributor Roch



    Oh, thanks for the clarification.

    Then your setup is going to be a little different indeed. The win portion is right, just use win * 20, but the loss position has to be adjusted.

    You’ll need to use something like this for your formula:
    win * 20 + loss * games(for)

    This should add the correct amount of points to all your users. Let me know how it works for you


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