• Resolved Martin


    I want to change (enlarge the size) of the “left border” element, in the setting:

    Event Top -> Select Default Calendar EventTop Style  -> clear with left border colors (and gaps)

    I analysed the code with the browser and was able to locate the section:

    <p class="desc_trig_outter" style=""><a data-gmap_status="null" data-exlk="0" style="border-color: #fff761;" 

    and i added

     border-left-width: 50px; 

    which showed the wanted result. The small colored border was enlarged.

    But where do i have to hardcode it, so that i works generally?

    Would this be an addition to the css section? How would the code have to be written?

    Thank you for your time.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Martin.
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  • Plugin Support ArtemSupport



    Add the code to EventON > Styles. If you don’t see any change, EventON > Scripts & Styling > turn off Write dynamic styles to header > save settings > turn on Write dynamic styles to header.

    Thread Starter Martin


    I added the following code and tried your proposal, but it did not show any effect.

    .desc_trig_outter { 
     border-left-width: 50px; 

    Is the snippet faulty?

    I also tried entering it into the themes style.css

    Do you have another idea?

    Plugin Support ArtemSupport


    Could you send us a link to your website?

    Thread Starter Martin


    I finally found the file. This value is set in the file: eventon_styles.css line 1057 and 1070 for hover and regular state.

    Maybe this could be a regular setting (feature) in the admin menu so that the admin could choose the width as a design element.

    Plugin Support ArtemSupport


    Thank you very much for your suggestion! We will include it into our To-Do list.

    Plugin Author Ashan Perera


    You can use this CSS to specifically target the eventtop.

    .eventon_events_list .eventon_list_event .desc_trig:hover{}

    I will see how we can incorporate this into eventON settings > appearance in the future updates 🙂

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