• Resolved rebajaslocascom



    I just activated and configured the plugin. However, I’m having a problem.

    I want the “City” and “State” fields to have the same styles as the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields. In other words, City on the left and State on the right.

    I assigned both fields the CSS class “form-row-first” and “form-row-last” which should give them the style, but it doesn’t.

    This problem occurred when I activated the “Country” field, which I had previously deactivated. When the country field was deactivated, the City and State fields were displaying as desired.

    Can you help me resolve this?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author ThemeHigh


    Please enable the option “Enable class override for address fields.” in the plugin’s Advanced settings tab.

    We hope this will help.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter rebajaslocascom



    This option was already enabled when I installed the plugin.

    I’ll share a screenshot with you so you can see it: https://ibb.co/TPzrptW

    Plugin Author ThemeHigh


    Could you please check after updating the option “Enable class override for address fields” by unchecking and checking the option again from the Locale override settings inside the Advanced Settings tab.
    If you are still facing the issue, then can you please raise a ticket through our website? We hope our technical team will be able to help you.

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