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  • Plugin Author mra13


    Each download item you create will have its own individual post page that shows all the details of that item along with a download button.

    It should show something like the following (just the post section):

    What happens if you switch to a default WordPress theme? Does that page render better?

    Thread Starter Nathan Hawkes


    It renders somewhat better, as in it renders as the post archive would render. I’ve kept Twenty Fifteen active so you can see it with the same links. Although what I’m looking to do is to have a custom post page that would render in a similar fashion to the example above. Is that possible with the plugin as it is?

    Plugin Author mra13


    I see what you mean. No, this plugin can’t render a page like the example you gave.

    Thread Starter Nathan Hawkes


    That’s a shame. Is there no way to construct such a page? I would assume that the downloads are stored as a custom post type? So would I also be right to assume that creating a loop with sdm_downloads as the post_type on a page in my theme would be a good place to start in the meantime?

    Plugin Author mra13


    Yes the downloads are stored as custom post type. If you are a developer/code then you can customize the code and create a page to make it look like anything you can think of. What you said sounds like a good start to me.

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