• Resolved bryanhiggs


    I am trying to set up my organization’s website so that we can send out newsletters (in our case, mostly brief messages) from our website. I am the web manager, but I’d like to arrange for others in our organization to be able to send messages in a very simple way. We do not have many tech-savvy members, so I’d prefer not to force them to go into the WordPress Dashboard to use Newsletter > Newsletters. Instead, I’d like to be able to have someone compose and send an email from a post or page without having to do to Newsletter > Newsletters to finalize it.

    I would prefer that people not have to have admin privilege to do this, and wish to free myself from being the only one that can send such messages. For example, any board member should be able to do that.

    Can you suggest how I might be able to accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance!

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