• When it ran the first scan I got the result, but it caused a critical error on the website. I had to manually deactivate plugins, then disable this plugin. It crashed the Woocommerce installation. Take backups before use, like I did!

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  • Plugin Author swin



    Very sorry to hear that.

    Will be nice if you can provide critical error message, screenshot or similar so we can detect if our plugin cause trouble and add fix if needed.

    Best regards



    This just happened to us yesterday at work. Quick background: I’m a long-time Drupal site builder and this is my first WordPress site. WP 6.4.3, WooCommerce 8.6.0, WP Rocket 3.15.9, plus 30ish other plugins, PHP 7.4.33. Launched our new flashy site one week ago. Server load has been high, in the low to mid 1-1.5 range and yesterday around noon it was running even higher, in the 3.x range, so I looked around and decided to give this plugin a go.

    I started the process and after a looooong time the page reloaded with only timing statistics/information shown in red for the very first plugin. Statistics for all other plugins in the table were blank. I thought…. “Hmmmm…. did I accidentally only run the process for just that first plugin?”, so I clicked to run the process again and my browser instantly refreshed to a blank white page. Refreshing, same blank page. Viewed page source and it is completely blank. Not even an opening <html> tag. Then loaded our front page in a new tab, instantly shows blank white page. Loaded dashboard from a bookmark, instantly shows blank white page.

    Never saw any error or critical error messages. Only ever just saw blank white pages with zero content in the document/page source code.

    Panic began creeping in big time. We keep nightly backups, but we already had an entire morning worth of accepting and processing web orders. In Drupal, white screen of death is usually a memory issue but during development we had our PHP running on 768 MB memory and hadn’t changed that yet, so it shouldn’t be a memory issue.

    Began researching how to troubleshoot WordPress since this is my first crash in WP. Renamed plugin folder, reloaded front page, still same blank white screen. Deleted the contents of/wp-content/cache, reloaded page, and WHEW, site is up with a ton of issues.

    Renamed the plugins folder back and went to Dashboard > Plugins, all plugins are disabled. We’re using about 30 plugins but have probably 40 to 50 deactivated that we haven’t cleared out yet since we’re still implementing and rolling out new features day by day on the new site launch. Having no way to know exactly which ones need to be active, I looked through our previous night’s database backup file, found “active_plugins” listed in the “wp_options” table, and built a list extracted from that showing what plugins were in use.

    Slowly began enabling them one at a time until they were all enabled, except for ‘Profiler – What Slowing Down Your WP’. No issues anywhere. Site is all back to normal 100%. So strange. Also, very, very scary. Learned a huge lesson about taking a DB backup immediately before trying a sort of maintenance plugin out. Been building and operating Drupal sites for almost two decades and never had this happen. Man. That was scary. Needless to say we deleted ‘Profiler – What Slowing Down Your WP’ along with nearly all other inactive plugins. Be careful out there folks and keep backups.

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