• Resolved eric3d


    Now that WP 6.3 is out, I wanted to test the new cover block border feature. I upgraded two sites and did not see the option either with WP core or the Gutenberg plugin. Finally, I switched a test site to use the Twent-Twenty-Three theme and I could see the feature.

    My question is: do I need to add something to my theme to support cover block borders?

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  • Moderator jordesign


    Hi @eric3d,

    There are various appearance Tools (like the border) which would have to be opted into by the theme you’re using. So they’ll happen only if the theme opts into them using code something like this.

      "$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/theme.json",
      "version": 2,
      "settings": {
        "appearanceTools": true

    If you’ve developed your own theme you could try adding that – but if it is from a third party – you’d need to contact them about providing support for all the tools/options Gutenberg has to offer.

    Thread Starter eric3d


    Thanks. I figured it out after examining the Twenty Twenty Three theme closely and can confirm it works. Just wish that was mentionned in the announcements touting the new feature.

    Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi @eric3d, thank you for sharing this feedback about the announcement.

    The idea with the announcement post is to have a summarized approach for the features, so the goal is to review the issue and structure to have more details.

    Thread Starter eric3d


    Thanks Felipe. A simple sentence like “this features requires a theme with Appearance Tools enabled” would have helped greatly without adding much length to the announcement. It seems to me that mentioning dependencies is a must.

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