• Resolved antgo213


    I’d like to offer 3 packages per course. 1 will be just the course, 2 will include 1 on 1 time with instructor, hopefully using the events for scheduling. And 3 will be 1 on 1’s plus additional benefits.

    I see the demo site has courses with different “plans”, but the buttons on the page are broken, making it difficult to dissect how it’s being done.

    For example, are they all using the same course/product in woocommerce, and then they a just adding/including additional products with them? or have they duplicated the course and they are actually three separate products.

    Could some explain the best way to approach this? I’m using Woocommerce.

    I’m specifically referring to this page & the section titled, Plans for this course – See below our three main plans for our courses. It starts from here! You can teach yourself what you really like.

    How are those cards created? Would i need to create them manually for each “plan” or is there a way to automate it so that each course is always sold/available as these three plans?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Md Rashed Hossain


    Hello @antgo213

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    At this moment, it’s not possible to use multiple plans for an individual course directly within Tutor LMS. Each course can only be associated with a single pricing plan.

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