• Matt


    Cannot download password protected documents, and cannot open downloaded documents in MS Excel, etc…

    Latest WP version 5.1.1
    latest plugin version 3.2.1
    MacOS with Safari.
    I typically edit using the CPanel built-in code edit function which is set to UTF-8 by default. Not sure if BOM encoding is there or not.

    The 2 Excel (.xlsx) files on my website server open fine in Excel. These were uploaded to the website server using the plugin. I can open them directly from my computer over the internet (FTP).

    If I now download these files using the plugin, they will not open in Excel (Excel does not recognize the file structure).

    When I click on a document title in the list (the shortcode list), it tries to open the file in a new tab, as if it is a post.

    When I download the file, it gets an .html extension added to the filename. Why is that?

    Further discussion:

    If the document is password protected, it will not download (with Safari?). I think the download is waiting for the password to be entered. But no request or window is generated for the user to be able to enter a password. Eventually the download loses connection with the server. If I make the file public, it downloads, but with an added .html extension appended to the filename.

    I see on the internet some references to Safari adding .html extensions to downloads. I do not yet understand what is going on with this.

    However, even if I make the document public, then download it, then remove the .html extension, Excel cannot read the resulting file.

    So, possibly several issues here, or maybe all tied together.

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  • Thread Starter Matt


    Further discussion…
    The plugin works as expected with Firefox. Even opens the document in Excel.

    So, must be a Safari issue.

    Thread Starter Matt


    Works nearly as expected in Safari if not logged in as the website administrator. So, some aspect of being administrator fouls up how this works. Probably a feature.

    Plugin Author Ben Balter


    Does the problem occur even when you deactivate all plugins and use the default theme?

    Thread Starter Matt


    Because I isolated the problem as occurring only to the website administrator when running Safari, I have not gone down the route of turning off all the plugins and themes. The files download normally for any regular logged-in user (using either Safari or Firefox), and the plugin works well for the website administrator when running Firefox.

    I hesitate to muck around too much with the site now that I figured out a way to make it work. I can live with the Safari limitation, now that I know about it.

    Thread Starter Matt


    Correction, the administrator running Firefox also has the problem.

    Something about being the administrator causes the hiccup (maybe). The admin gets to the website a different way, so that will take some investigation to uncover what is going on. I’m not a programmer, so I may just live with the way it is.

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