• Resolved walmon


    Hi guys,

    Just to let you know I am having issues with this plugin. I have tried to download it and when I try to activate it my WP admin panel on the left doesn’t work anymore. Anything I click on there re-directs me to my homepage in WP environment.

    I had to go into cpanel and delete the plugin manually to resolve the issue.

    Any word of advise?

    Thank you.

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  • This is also happening on my sites and has been for the last month. Every update it just gets worse and worse. I think it has to do with SSL and security but I have no idea how to fix it so I can’t use the plugin. Thanks as well for any advice you can provide.

    As a fellow user, I have found that some of these gremlins depend on the security plugin you’re running. I often try disabling the security plugin, running the NGG update or at least loading it, and then re-enabling the security plugin. I’m convinced there’s some basic setting in AIO (for example in their firewall for 5G lists) that blocks NGG from installing/updating properly. With it disabled, I run NGG, open the side bar once, re-enable security, and after that both co-exist perfectly. If I do it ANY other way, I can unpredictable results.

    Good luck,


    Thread Starter walmon


    Hi @polywogg and thank you for your suggestion.

    Unfortunately I tried to deactivate the security plugin as you suggested and re-installing/re-activating NGG but I’m having the same issue.

    I think I will just stay clear of this plugin, it seems that it has some serious issues.


    Hi there 👋

    This kind of problem is usually caused by either a conflict with another plugin. The best way to determine this is to:

    1. Disable all plugins.
    2. Temporarily switch your theme to a WordPress default one like Twenty-Twenty.
    3. Repeat the action that is causing the problem. In your case, try to activate NextGEN Gallery.

    If you’re not seeing the same problem after completing the conflict test, then you know the problem was with the plugins and/or theme you deactivated. To figure out which plugin is causing the problem, reactivate your other plugins one by one, testing after each until you find the one causing conflict.

    Before you start

    First, please make sure you have a good backup in place of your full site and database. Most hosting companies have this included in the subscription, but you could also consider using a service like Jetpack. If something goes wrong, it’s nice to know that you can restore your site.

    Second, I would suggest installing a plugin called Health Check & Troubleshooting. This is a plugin developed by the WordPress community and it allows you to disable plugins without affecting your current site visitors.

    Let me know how it goes 🙂

    Having the same issues. Please let me know if anyone gets a fix of this.

    Thread Starter walmon


    Hello @gabrielimagely

    Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to this thread.

    Although I am very appreciative of your guidance and suggestions, I think it is very much an inconvenience to go through all the steps you’ve suggested in order to fix this issue. In fact, I think it is due to the NGG staff to sort out the conflict problem.

    The plugins I have are all essentials plugins, which I need in order to operate my website.

    Therefore an easier option was to uninstall NGG and download the Envira plugin which works perfectly and has similar features to NGG. That was quick and easy. @nehagrover027 I would suggest you do the same.

    Thank you for your time again,

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