• Resolved ilpadrino


    I’m interested in your Category Ajax Filter plugin and I’m testing it right now, with the intention of buying the PRO version, because I need the other features available. There is one problem though that I need you fix first (besides having to update for the latest version of WordPress!): I changed the theme of my website and the graphics of your plugin changed for the worse. So I would like to ask you how to correct it, possibly even overriding the default theme in a Child-theme with a command.

    here you can see how the graphics were with the old template: https://ibb.co/1snhQnq

    and here how it looks like now:

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Trusty Plugins


    Hi @ilpadrino ,

    Maybe you have deactivated the plugin. Some theme’s css conflicts with the CAF css (padding, margin etc) so it mess up the layout.

    But it can fixed with simple css.


    Trusty Plugins Team

    Thread Starter ilpadrino


    hi, thanks for reply. Yes I fixed with the CSS and it look better now.

    Will you update the plugin to the last version of WP?

    Plugin Author Trusty Plugins


    Hi @ilpadrino ,

    Yes, Current code of the plugin is already compatible with the latest version of wordpress. But we will update the plugin version too.

    Trusty Plugins Team

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