• Resolved motk88



    can someone tell me the purpose of the ‘gridcookie’? I need to know this for GDPR reasons.


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  • Hello,

    I apologize but didn’t get the exact issue. Kindly share some more details, related URLs, and snapshots.

    Thread Starter motk88



    the cookie ‘gridcookie’ is set by Oceanswp, or am I wrong? (see screenshots)
    I would like to know the purpose of this cookie.

    Screenshot 1: https://i.postimg.cc/44qMkmxb/cookies-chrome.png
    Screenshot 2: https://i.postimg.cc/PrD7tTLG/ssh-search.png



    Thank you for sharing the related details.

    On the product page when we change the view.
    For example:
    The default view is a grid view, I went to the product page selected the List view, and refresh the page. Now, it will display the List view because of the used cookie ‘gridcookie’.
    Similarly, you can check after switching to Grid view.

    So, It’s an essential cookie for the Grid/List view and it doesn’t collect absolutely any data.

    I hope, I’m able to explain.

    Thread Starter motk88


    Thanks, that’s the answer I was looking for!

    You are most welcome.😊

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