• Resolved mdotk


    Currently, the plugin will cause bad CLS scores with Google Page Experience. This is because once the announcement loads and is displayed, it pushes everything on the page down.

    You need to load a container for the announcement bar immediately, and then the announcement fills it. That way, there will be no layout shift.

    Please advise ASAP if this is possible.

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  • Plugin Author vaakash


    Hi @mdotk,

    I have tested this and this query was raised previously too. The change in layout did not impact the CLS score.

    Can you also share your website URL?

    Also, could you please share the CLS score with and without the announcement bar?



    Thread Starter mdotk


    Hi @vaakash I may have been premature in my post. I agree it does not seem to effect CLS!

    BTW, can you add an option to use custom CSS?

    Plugin Author vaakash


    Hi @mdotk,

    Happy to hear. Regarding the CSS, though there is no field to enter CSS inside the plugin, you can insert CSS using any other option.

    Most themes provide an option to enter “custom/additional CSS” in Appearance -> “Customize” page.



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