• Hi Rob,

    please consider to replace the manual inclusion of relevant javascript (and stylesheet) resources provided by Google through the use of the WordPress wp_enquque_script method. Furthermore, please consider externalizing eventual javascript snippets in a separate js-file in your plugins directory and include it in a similar way.

    For example, it resolves dependencies, duplicate inclusion of the same script is prevented automatically, and optimizations, such as minification, are automatically applied to them.

    In particular, I am using a filter in my theme to remove type="text/javascript" tags from all enqueued javascripts as the type tag is deprecated, which cannot handle your included javascript tags.

    Thanks in advance,



    Affected Methods
    public function footer_script()
    <script type='text/javascript' src='//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=GoogleLanguageTranslatorInit'></script>

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