• Hello! I just discovered this plugin … and I find it THE BEST checkout for WooCommerce.

    However something happens, it has many problems and bugs.

    For example, cross-selling products in the cart don’t look very good.

    At the end of the cart and checkout pages it displays the main menu.

    The + and – buttons are displayed twice.

    I am interested in buying the pro version (hopefully they can give a better price, it is somewhat expensive)

    However I would like to know if they can fix all those bugs.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author expresscheckout


    Hello rebajaslocascom,

    Can you please share an valid URL with us so we can test it out? We would be more than happy to investigate the issues you’re having.

    Can you share the credentials from the staging environment on your website so we can take a look to our email? You can email us at contact@expresscheckout.app

    The expresscheckout team

    Thread Starter rebajaslocascom



    I have already sent you the email, please check.

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