• Resolved deank


    I upgraded to WordPress v5.6, and my main navigation stopped working. This is true for both sites where I am using this lightbox.

    When clicking on anything in the navigation, it would load the lightbox (dimmed background, back/forward <> icons) — rather than navigate to the page I had clicked.

    Deactivating this plugin (v1.1.12) removed the issue.

    I’m wondering if it is related to all the jQuery changes that are now half-way progressed through v5.6?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by deank.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by deank. Reason: Clarity
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  • @tnorebel, for which images do you want to use the lightbox?
    Did you already check your settings under “Features”?
    All native images, all native galleries, all native images with captions … 🙂


    Can you please send me the URL so I can take a look and investigate? Thanks!

    @akg-free thanks I did not check the settings. I have activated “all linked images” and now it is working. 🙂

    Thanks @mplusb for your atention. Have a great day!

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