• Resolved petrfid


    It is in conflict with Polylang plugin: after activation the Polylang metabox disappears in the editing menu.

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  • Dear @petrfid ,

    Thanks for the message.
    Please, make sure to update the plugin to the latest 3.69.2 version and check again.
    Let us know about the results, please.

    Thread Starter petrfid


    Hi, I have version 3.69.2. Polylang version is 2.8.3 (latest too). The conflict continues.

    Hi, I concur with Petrfid.

    I have about 10 websites with two languages (English and French) using Polylang. They all stopped working properly after my admin did the updates yesterday.

    We thought it was the latest version of Polylang but after extensive testing and debugging… we determined that it was Popup Builder that is causing the problem.

    When you update Popup Builder, WordPress completely loses the language settings.

    Thank you for looking into this.

    Dear @rdiiorio and @petrfid ,

    Thank you for the information.

    We are currently in the middle of investigating the issue you reported.

    Thank you once again for reporting.

    Dear @petrfid and @rdiiorio ,

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Just wanted to inform you that the issue with the Polylang is solved now.
    Just update the plugin to the latest 3.69.3 version.

    Please, open a new support thread in case you will need any help since we mark this one as resolved.

    Thread Starter petrfid


    Excelent – it work! 🙂 Thnx!

    Dear friends, same thing here….
    Conflicting with Elementor.
    When you try to edit some sections (specially the big ones) Elementor goes blank.
    As you temporarily disable the Popoup Builder everything goes back to normal.
    Thanks in advance

    Dear @mquege ,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us.

    Would it be possible to open another support thread for this issue?
    It might look like the same one but it may be a whole different issue.

    Thanks beforehand.

    Dear @petrfid ,

    You’re very welcome.

    We are glad to be helpful to you in any way.

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