• Resolved bryanhiggs


    It seems that when I activate the HT Menu plugin, the fields that Nav Menu Roles provides in the edit menu page disappear.

    I deactivated HT Menu, set the roles in my menu from Nav Menu Roles, and then reactivated HT Menu, but it’s not ideal.

    Any hope of resolving this?

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  • Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    From my end? No.

    Per the FAQ:

    I don’t see the Nav Menu Roles options in the admin menu items?

    This is likely due to a conflict with another plugin (or theme).

    As of WordPress 5.4 the wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields hook has been added to WordPress core.

    Nav Menu Roles is therefore attaching directly to this hook without needing to replace the custom Admin Menu Walker, of which there can still be only one. If the Walker is replaced by a theme/plugin and the core hook is not included, then Nav Menu Roles cannot add it’s fields.

    The HT Menu plugin will need to update their plugin to use the core hook.

    Thread Starter bryanhiggs


    Thank you! I will inform the HT Menu folks about what they need to do.

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